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Phenoxodiol - 5 Jahre später

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    Phenoxodiol - 5 Jahre später

    hallo Forum,

    im August und November 2004 haben wir schon mal kurz über Phenoxodiol gesprochen (Franzy hatte angefangen), ein synthetisch hergestelltes Isoflavonoid (um es vermarkten zu können), das offenbar eine synergistische Wirkung mit Carboplatin und Cisplatin hat.

    Damals gabs im PubMed 9 Treffer, heute gibts 37.
    Und unter, was Jürg damals vorgeschlagen hatte, kann man per Such-Funktion heute auch mehr finden.

    Mittlerweile gibts nicht nur zum Ovarial-Ca oder den schnell teilenden Krebszellen bei Leukämie oder Lymphomen, sondern auch zum PCa was:

    Br J Cancer. 2009 Feb 24;100(4):649-55. Epub 2009 Feb 10.

    Enhancement of the activity of phenoxodiol by cisplatin in prostate cancer cells.

    McPherson RA, Galettis PT, de Souza PL.

    Cancer Pharmacology and Therapeutics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, St George Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

    Phenoxodiol is a novel isoflav-3-ene, currently undergoing clinical trials, that has a broad in vitro activity against a number of human cancer cell lines.
    Phenoxodiol alone inhibited DU145 and PC3 in a dose- and time-dependent manner with IC(50) values of 8+/-1 and 38+/-9 microM, respectively.

    The combination of phenoxodiol and cisplatin was synergistic in DU145, and additive in PC3, as assessed by the Chou-Talalay method.
    Carboplatin was also synergistic in combination with phenoxodiol in DU145 cells.

    The activity of the phenoxodiol and cisplatin combination was confirmed in vivo using a DU145 xenograft model in nude mice. Pharmacokinetic data from these mice suggest that the mechanism of synergy may occur through a pharmacodynamic mechanism. An intracellular cisplatin accumulation assay showed a 35% (P<0.05) increase in the uptake of cisplatin when it was combined in a ratio of 1 microM:5 microM phenoxodiol, resulting in a 300% (P<0.05) increase in DNA adducts.

    Taken together, our results suggest that phenoxodiol has interesting properties that make combination therapy with cisplatin or carboplatin appealing.

    PMID: 19209173 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]