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Fitness Level Associated with Lower Risk of Some Cancers, Death in Men

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    Fitness Level Associated with Lower Risk of Some Cancers, Death in Men

    Men with a high fitness level in midlife appear to be at lower risk for lung and colorectal cancer, but not prostate cancer, and that higher fitness level also may put them at lower risk of death if they are diagnosed with cancer when they’re older, according to a study published online by JAMA Oncology.
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    The authors found that high CRF in midlife was associated with a 55 percent lower risk of lung cancer and a 44 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer compared to men with low CRF. However this same association was not seen between midlife CRF and prostate cancer, and authors note the exact reasons for this are unknown, although they speculate men with high CRF may be more prone to undergo preventive screenings and therefore have a greater opportunity to be diagnosed with prostate cancer.
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    (Carl Gustav Jung)

    Gruß Harald