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Vitamin C in die Vene

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    Nacl-Buddel + Neues von Marian

    Zitat von Michael
    Hallo Rudolf,
    ich glaube, Du meinst eine Nacl-Buddel und nicht HCL-Buddel.
    Ein Riesenunterschied.
    Hallo Michael,
    klar klar, nicht HCL, haha ...

    Aber meine Bemerkung, dass man evtl. verdünnen müsste, ist eher wieder in den Hintergrund zu rücken - das Zeug von MacGuff kann man einfach so reinlaufen lassen, wie mir mittlerweile von einem Apotheker versichert wurde .... nun ja.

    Wirklich gut aber die News von Marian:
    Ich hatte irgendwo schon von ihr berichtet, Ovarial-Ca im endstadium, sollte schon im frühjahr 2005 tot sein, hat aber dank ihres engagements und dem ihres mannes, der arzt ist, nicht nur überlebt bis heute, sondern ein
    sensationelles "free-scan"-ergebnis erzielt:


    Scan is now completely clear- Terminal Ovarian cancer 3C

    Hi, my last scan is completely clear of cancer. In July I had substantial cancer on my bowel and a 1.5 cm tumour in the pelvic cavity. I have ovarian cancer 3C resistant to chemotherapy. Now my body appears to be clear of cancer and ascites. The IV SA was an amazing course of treatment. 100grams IV, four hours drip daily for six weeks with few side effects and a great deal easier than the previous two courses of unsuccessful chemo that I have endured. I thank you all for all your support and advice over these past four months. I am no longer terminally ill. I pray that the future will be bright now for my husband and children. I also take many supplements and have changed my diet radically. I will continue on the same programme for at least two years. If anyone wants to know the full list of supplements that I take please feel free to contact me. My consultant said the scan results are incredible and the Hospice are amazed


    Sie hat neben allerhand supplementen im mai mit IV vitamin C begonnen, das dann auf 100 g täglich gesteigert, in 4-stunden-sitzungen über 6 wochen. IV SA heisst Intravenös SodiumAscorbate = also Natriumaskorbat.
    I am no longer terminally ill : Ich bin nicht länger Endstadium-Patientin !
    Das ist doch ein tolles Ding, oder?

    Quelle ist, dort die Foren aufsuchen.

    grüsse + good night,


      Phase I Studie mit gerade mal 18 Leuten

      Ein Kollege schickte mir ne mail mit einem Artikel schon von Januar in der Chicago Tribune - unten angehängt wie auch davor das, was auf der homepage des Klinikverbundes zu lesen ist.

      Es handelt sich um einen Verbund von 4 Privatkliniken in den USA, die das Krebs-Geschäft beackern und sich jetzt des Vitamin C annehmen.
      Dass von der langen Geschichte der Versuche, mit Hochdosis-VitC in die Vene Krebspatienten zu behandeln, nicht die Rede ist, verwundert kaum - wird doch "Alternatives" bzw. etwas, das die üblichen Geschäfte stören könnte, erst dann akzeptiert, wenn man daraus vielleicht doch ein Geschäft machen kann. Dafür aber scheint 1 1/2 Jahre nach der NIH-Veröffentlichung zur Funktionsweise des Krebskillens durch viel Askorbat die Zeit reif zu sein. So wie jetzt (wo schon fast alles zu spät ist) die Klimakatastrophe doch noch zu einem Geschäft gemacht werden soll.
      Abstrus, aber immerhin.



      Clinical Trial of Intravenous Vitamin C for Cancer Treatment Underway
      By Gene J. Koprowski

      Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) is now moving forward with unique research on the use of novel agents in the battle against cancer. Taking the daring work of Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling to the next level, researchers are eyeing the impact of high doses of intravenous, or in the vein, Vitamin C on cancer.

      The study is being led by Dr. Christopher M. Stephenson, an internal medicine specialist at CTCA Midwestern, Dr. Robert D. Levin, Chief of Medical Oncology at CTCA Midwestern, and Mr. Christopher G. Lis, MPH, Vice President, Research and Development, CTCA.

      "This is the first investigational new drug application (IND) approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the history of CTCA," said Lis. "The first few patients have successfully completed the trial, thanks in large part to our clinical staff, particularly our laboratory, pharmacy, and nursing teams."

      The researchers are recruiting a total of 18 patients for the study. The goal of the research is to discover the optimal therapeutic dose of intravenous Vitamin C in cancer care. "To our knowledge, this is the first Phase I study of Vitamin C administered intravenously for cancer patients in the U.S.," said Lis. "This is an empowering program for all of our patients and for others with cancer."

      Researchers are looking for female, and male, patients who have been told by their doctors that:
      • They have an advanced stage, solid tumor
      • They have no other treatment options which provide a clinical benefit
      • They have a life expectancy of at least three months
      • They have no other, scheduled cancer therapy.

      Patients must also be non-smokers, of at least 18 years of age, to be eligible for the non-commercial, research trial. Some scientific studies have shown that high doses of Vitamin C have had significant anti-cancer effects in some animal models. Other, early clinical research has demonstrated that intravenous doses of Vitamin C may improve symptoms and prolong survival in terminal cancer patients.

      The patients who are chosen for the trial by the doctors will receive intravenous Vitamin C in high doses four days a week for four weeks.
      Dr. Stephenson said that one of the goals of the research project is to prolong the survival of advanced stage cancer patients. He notes that the first group of patients will receive roughly 50 grams of intravenous IV at a rate of 1 gram per minute. The doctors plan to speak with patients on a daily basis during the study, and those who have completed treatment are eligible for continued therapy with Vitamin C. Those patients who take more than 325 mg of aspirin may not be eligible for the study, said Dr. Stephenson.

      For more information, please contact Christopher G. Lis at
      -- Gene Koprowski (M.A., The University of Chicago), is the corporate director of research communications at Cancer Treatment Centers of America.


      Chicago Tribune

      FDA OKs trial on vitamin C for cancer
      Cancer Treatment Centers runs research

      Bruce Japsen
      Published January 11, 2007

      Adding more credibility to its research into alternative methods for oncologic medical care, Cancer Treatment Centers of America said it has won federal approval to begin a clinical trial studying the potential of intravenous vitamin C as a cancer treatment.

      While winning U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval to begin clinical trials is a regular occurrence for traditional cancer researchers such as the nation's elite comprehensive cancer centers designated by the National Cancer Institute, Zion-based Cancer Treatment Centers is not known for conducting federally approved research--making the FDA-approved vitamin C trial a bit of a coup for the firm.

      "Our vitamin C research protocol is the first investigator-initiated protocol approved by the FDA in the history of CTCA," said Christopher Lis, the firm's vice president of research and development. "We are now taking our research here to the next level."

      Lis said there will be a limited number of patients who will actually receive the therapy. "Only patients who have exhausted all other conventional treatment options are eligible to receive the therapy," Lis added.

      The first phase of the trial is to examine the "optimal therapeutic dose in a series of 18 patients" and largely see whether the treatment is safe and tolerable to patients. Additional studies will be needed that could take several years to show whether it is effective and could lead to FDA-approved treatment.

      The FDA confirmed Cancer Treatment Centers' "investigational" new drug application but would not comment further.

      Potential medical uses of vitamin C gained notoriety in the 1970s because of the efforts of researchers such as Nobel laureate Linus Pauling. But such research was not known to reveal successes or was not pursued long enough to result in standardized effective cancer treatments, say researchers such as Jeffrey Blumberg, professor of nutrition at Tufts University in Boston. In older studies the vitamin was taken orally.

      Although early studies, conducted with orally dosed supplements, failed to demonstrate clinical benefit to cancer patients, hope still persists that vitamin C may be useful if administered correctly.

      "I am not aware of anybody else now that is doing IV studies in patients with vitamin C to look at cancer effects," Blumberg said.

      While cautioning that the research is early, Blumberg said vitamin C therapy could result in reducing side effects of chemotherapy or as a potential booster to existing treatments. He cautioned that it is too early to know.

      "If this works, we would have a useful adjunct to chemotherapy treatment that could lower the dose," Blumberg said.

      Cancer Treatment Centers' facilities differ from most cancer care centers in that they provide traditional inpatient and outpatient chemotherapy and surgical care as well as non-traditional services such as acupuncture, massage and nutrition therapies.

      The privately held for-profit company has hospitals in Zion, Philadelphia and Tulsa, Okla.

      Hear Bruce Japsen on WBBM-AM 780 at 6:21 p.m. and 10:22 p.m. Mondays and 11:20 a.m. Saturdays.

      Copyright © 2007, Chicago Tribune


        10 g intravenös u. 4 g täglich oral - immerhin

        Hier eine weitere Studie zum Vitamin C und Krebs, natürlich wieder eine "kleine" Studie, wer hätte was anderes erwartet.
        Gaaanz vorsichtig ist ein bischen VitC Krebspatienten im Endstadium gegeben worden, um zu sehen, ob sich die
        Lebensqualität verbessert. Siehe da, sie tat es.

        Man fühlt sich in die 70er zurückversetzt - diesen "Beweis" haben wir seit den klinischen Studien von Dr.Cameron aus Schottland. Sollte es denn nochmal möglich sein, dass sich Ärzte einen etwas grösseren Mut fassen?

        Die Autoren von dem Team in Seoul kommen zum Ergebnis:

        " .. the use of vitamin C is considered a safe and
        effective therapy to improve the quality of life of terminal cancer patients."

        Der Einsatz von Vitamin C kann als eine sichere und effektive Therapie angesehen werden, um die Lebensqualität von Krebspatienten im Endstadium zu verbessern.

        Ich habe den Volltext abgelegt auf:

        good night,


          Dr. Cathcart : Preparation of Sodium Ascorbate for IV and IM Use

          nachdem ich jetzt seit einem jahr immer wieder auf die total billige und trotzdem sichere methode, intravenös verabreichbares Vitamin C anzumischen, hingewiesen habe, habe ich den entsprechenden Text von Dr.Cathcart, der übrigens vor kurzem in den Ruhestand gegangen ist, hier abgelegt.

          Mehrere Apotheker, denen ich die Rezeptur vorgelegt habe, haben mir bestätigt, dass das gehen würde.
          Gemacht wirds trotzdem nicht, weil rechtliche Bedenken dagegen stehen.
          Das aber kann von unserer Seite nicht hingenommen werden, denn hier gehts um den Unterschied, ob 1 g IVC über einen Euro oder unter 10 Cent kostet.
          Da aber nur wirklich hohe Dosen intensiv verabreicht die pro-oxidative Wirkung von IVC zum Laufen bringen, scheitern all die gutgemeinten Versuche, die zunehmend unternommen werden, schnell an den zu hohen Preisen (1,50 ca. bei Pascoe, immerhin nur 52 Cent bei McGuff)

          Stefanie fragte eben nach Erster Hilfe für ihren Papa - Dr.Riordan hat genau für diesen Zweck damals das entsprechende Papier verfasst - nur was nutzt das alles, wenn die dröge deutsche Therapie-Szene sich hinter rechtlichen Vorschriften verschanzt, obwohl sowohl die medizinische wie auch die pharmakologische Machbarkeit gegeben sind. Einmal mehr: Männer, ohne dass wir was durchsetzen, geht das Sterben weiter!

